Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What IS your duty?

"Let's have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."
-Abraham Lincoln

Do you believe this is true? That right makes might? That living a life dedicated to doing the right thing can actually make a difference in this tired, weary world? If you do, then knowing WHAT your duty is becomes that much more crucial.

Duty. What does that word mean anymore? It is not commonly used nowadays, save for commercials about the military. And most assuredly the brave men and women who serve in our military do their duty in particular and sacrificial ways. But of course the great Mr. Lincoln's challenge to "dare to do our duty" extends beyond military service.

What do you understand to be YOUR duty? As a husband or wife, as a mother or father, as a friend or co-worker, as a neighbor? How do you begin to understand this key to TRUE power?

I believe your duty, my duty, humankind's duty, is to "dare to do good."

Start with the acknowledgement that you can make a difference. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. If you truly, deeply, passionately believe this, then the daring will naturally follow...the daring to take the extra step, to care just a bit more, and to put love into action in a thousand little ways. You don't need to find a cure for cancer, or win the Nobel peace prize, or be the greatest president in our nation's history. You simply need to believe that right makes might...and then do the right thing, more often then not.

You know what the good is, what the right thing is. It's what you learned in kindergarten, and what your heart tells you is true when you are still. Be kind, be honest, share what you have, and play well with others.

And remember that truly good people don't get that way by doing one thing 100% better. They become truly good by doing one hundred things 1% better. Because goodness is contagious.

Right makes might; live like this is true, and watch it become so.